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  • news-script

    Hello everyone

    I know that here are some good php programmers and I need some help:

    First, I don't know how the PHP exactly works but I do understand something. Could someone make a very small poll script in PHP that uses txt databases and it should have IP blocking system so that every user from the same IP can only vote one time and again in one hour or two etc.
    If possible than no cookies!
    There should be a data.txt where are the poll question and answers and if possible then it would be good if the scripts writes a new file for every question/answers (for example data1.txt, data2.txt etc.).
    for IP's ip.txt
    and a admin page to select what question(s) with answer(s) should be displayed and where I can edit questions and answers and the number of votes also and the IP blocking time

    I would be very thanful if someone could help me