Web-Entwicklung Dienstleistungen

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  • Web-Entwicklung Dienstleistungen

    We are company from Baltic states, looking for cooperation opportunities in Germany. We have experience with following techniques:

    * Design solutions (HTML, XHTML, CSS 1/2/3, picture processing, vector graphics)
    * Programming (PHP4/5, Perl, Python, C, C++, JavaScript)
    * Databases (MySQL, PGSQL, MSSQL, DBlite, Oracle)
    * Dynamic web page programming (DHTML, Ajax)

    We offer:

    * Web page development
    * Online store development
    * Complicated online solution development
    * Online database managemet tools

    By cooperation with us, you will get high quality products in short time at reasonable price.

    Our contact information:
    Name of business: SIA Business Development Solutions Agency
    Contact: Janis Volbergs
    Vecmil. 1. line 26-29, Riga, LV-1015, Latvia
    Email: contact (a t) bdsa . biz
    Web: http://bdsa.biz
    Phone: 00 371 29199220

    Also, we suggest that you have a look at the presentation: http://bdsa.biz/workwithus.html of our company and options of cooperation and approximate costs of our services.

    Looking forward to a successfull cooperation,