
(PECL memcached >= 0.1.0)

Memcached::getMultiRetrieve multiple items


public Memcached::getMulti(array $keys, int $flags = ?): mixed

Memcached::getMulti() is similar to Memcached::get(), but instead of a single key item, it retrieves multiple items the keys of which are specified in the keys array.


Before v3.0 a second argument &cas_tokens was in use. It was filled with the CAS token values for the found items. The &cas_tokens parameter was removed in v3.0 of the extension. It was replaced with a new flag Memcached::GET_EXTENDED that needs is to be used as the value for flags.

The flags parameter can be used to specify additional options for Memcached::getMulti(). Memcached::GET_PRESERVE_ORDER ensures that the keys are returned in the same order as they were requested in. Memcached::GET_EXTENDED ensures that the CAS tokens will be fetched too.



Array of keys to retrieve.


The flags for the get operation.


Returns the array of found itemsBei einem Fehler wird false zurückgegeben.. Benutzen Sie wenn nötig Memcached::getResultCode().


Version Beschreibung
PECL memcached 3.0.0 The &cas_tokens parameter was removed. The Memcached::GET_EXTENDED was added and when passed as a flag it ensures the CAS tokens to be fetched.


Beispiel #1 Memcached::getMulti() example for Memcached v3

// Valid for v3 of the extension

$m = new Memcached();

$items = array(
'key1' => 'value1',
'key2' => 'value2',
'key3' => 'value3'
$result $m->getMulti(array('key1''key3''badkey'));

Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

array(2) {
  string(6) "value1"
  string(6) "value3"

Beispiel #2 Memcached::getMulti() example for Memcached v1 and v2

// Valid for v1 and v2 of the extension

$m = new Memcached();

$items = array(
'key1' => 'value1',
'key2' => 'value2',
'key3' => 'value3'
$result $m->getMulti(array('key1''key3''badkey'), $cas);

Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

array(2) {
  string(6) "value1"
  string(6) "value3"
array(2) {

Beispiel #3 Memcached::GET_PRESERVE_ORDER example for Memcached v3

// Valid for v3 of the extension

$m = new Memcached();

$data = array(
'foo' => 'foo-data',
'bar' => 'bar-data',
'baz' => 'baz-data',
'lol' => 'lol-data',
'kek' => 'kek-data',


$keys array_keys($data);
$keys[] = 'zoo';
$got $m->getMulti($keysMemcached::GET_PRESERVE_ORDER);

foreach (
$got as $k => $v) {
"$k $v\n";

Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

foo foo-data
bar bar-data
baz baz-data
lol lol-data
kek kek-data

Beispiel #4 Memcached::GET_PRESERVE_ORDER example for Memcached v1 and v2

// Valid for v1 and v2 of the extension

$m = new Memcached();

$data = array(
'foo' => 'foo-data',
'bar' => 'bar-data',
'baz' => 'baz-data',
'lol' => 'lol-data',
'kek' => 'kek-data',


$null null;
$keys array_keys($data);
$keys[] = 'zoo';
$got $m->getMulti($keys$nullMemcached::GET_PRESERVE_ORDER);

foreach (
$got as $k => $v) {
"$k $v\n";

Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

foo foo-data
bar bar-data
baz baz-data
lol lol-data
kek kek-data

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