Brauche Hilfe bei Scriptkonfiguration, sollte für euch nicht zu schwer sein

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  • Brauche Hilfe bei Scriptkonfiguration, sollte für euch nicht zu schwer sein


    MEIN ICQ: 58010135

    Ich Brauche Hilfe bei Scriptkonfiguration, sollte für euch nicht zu schwer sein ;-) . Aber ich kann das nicht ganz. Es ist ein Searchengine, der komplett PHP ist. Nichts mit MySQL, ich kann grad mal leichte Sachen konfigurieren, doch hier musste ich die ersten 10 Zeilen lesen und habe schon aufgegeben. Ich brauche jemanden, der mir das auf meinen Server installiert, er müsste aber auch schon einigermaßen Vertrauenswürdig sein und ich würde ihm 5000 Bannerimpressions von seiner Seite anbieten. Also bitte meldet euch, kann ja nicht so schwer sein. ich poste schonmal die Readme, damit ihr sehn könnt, ob ihr das könnt :

    DGS Search v0.9.6 (02/07/01) -

    Quick Install:

    0. Untar the distribution into your websites tree. It will create a dgssearch
    directory. Several examples follow:

    For .tar.gz files:
    tar xvzf dgssearch-0.9.6.tar.gz
    zcat dgssearch-0.9.6.tar.gz | tar xvf -

    For .tar.bz2 files:
    tar xvIf dgssearch-0.9.6.tar.bz2
    tar xvf dgssearch-0.9.6.tar.bz2 --with-compress-program=bzip2
    bzcat dgssearch-0.9.6.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -

    For .zip files:
    pkunzip -x
    Use WinZip or other GUI zip program.

    1. Open and configure config.php as needed (in the config directory).
    Most options are described to the right of the option.

    The options that need to be changed to use only the filesystem search are:

    $config["installBase"] /* Where the package was installed. */
    $config["fileSeparator"] /* File separator for your OS. Is "\\" on Windows. */
    $config["urlBase"] /* The base URL for your site. */
    $config["siteBase"] /* The directory that corresponds to the URL base. */
    $config["fsBase"] /* Where we should begin searching the filesystem. */
    $config["cacheFile"] /* The full path to the cache file. */

    NOTE: If you are using a Windows platform, please make sure you are
    using two backslashes in all paths (ie: c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot).

    If you will also be using the database search, make sure to add "db" to the
    $config["searchModules"]. The example below has both the "fs" and "db" search
    modules enabled.

    $config["searchModules"] = array("fs", "db");

    See the documentation on $database[x] further down in this document for more
    information on how to use the database search.

    2. Test your install. Use the included index.php file as a quick test.

    NOTE: If you have SAFE MODE enabled, you will need to make sure the files
    that DGS Search will be reading are owned by the user that your web
    server is running as. For more information on SAFE MODE, see the
    PHP documentation.

    NOTE: If DGS Search is gives the error 'Error: Must specify a query.',
    verify in php.ini that the option 'register_globals = On'.


    config.php - This file contains all configuration options for DGS Search.

    Below is a full list of options and descriptions of how they work:

    General Options

    $config["installBase"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/dgssearch"

    The directory that DGS Search was installed into.

    $config["searchModules"] - Datatype: (Array of String) - Ex: array("fs", "db");

    The modules to use for your searches. Currently the "fs" and "db" modules are
    included with the distribution. Feel free to write additional modules.

    Modules will be called in the same order they appear within the modules array.

    Search modules are nothing more than a php source file in the 'libs/search'
    directory containing a function of the same name. See MODULES for more
    information on modules.

    Search module "fs" handles filesystem searches.

    Search module "db" handles database searches. See the documentation on
    $database[x] further down on how to use the database search.

    $config["displayModules"] - Datatype: (Array of String) - Ex: array("nav", "results");

    The modules to display search results. Currently the display modules included with
    the distribution are: title, query, stats, hr, nav, results

    Feel free to write additional modules.

    Modules will be called in the same order they appear within the modules array.
    Modules can be called more than once. For example "nav" is called twice in the
    supplied config.php.

    Display modules are nothing more than a php source file in the 'libs/display'
    directory containing a function of the same name. See MODULES for more
    information on modules.

    Display module "title" adds the title to the display results page. The title used can
    be changed using the $config["displayHeader"] option in config.php. If you remove
    "title" from the $config["displayModules"] array it will no longer be displayed.

    Display module "query" adds a query field to the display results page. If you remove
    "query" from the $config["displayModules"] array it will no longer be displayed.

    Display module "stats" adds a statistics on the search being performed to the display
    results page. If you remove "stats" from the $config["displayModules"] array it will
    no longer be displayed.

    Display module "hr" adds a horizontal line to the display results page. If you remove
    "hr" from the $config["displayModules"] array it will no longer be displayed.

    Display module "nav" adds result navigation to the display results page. This allows
    you to page through groups of results. If you remove "nav" from the
    $config["displayModules"] array it will no longer be displayed.

    Display module "results" adds the results themselves to the display results page. If
    you remove "results" from the $config["displayModules"] array it will no longer be
    displayed. Generally this module will always be used or will be replace to display
    search results in a different way. For example, if you were searching a catalog
    database, you may want to create a new module to display the results similar to a
    shopping cart.

    $config["language"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "english"

    The language pack DGS Search will use on the query and results page.

    There is currently support for the following languages:


    To add support for an additional language, use "english.php" in the
    "dgssearch/libs/language" directory as a template. Simply copy the template
    to "yourlanguage.php" where "yourlanguage" is the name of your language and
    translate. Variables within the strings take the form of @VARIABLE@. They are
    replaced automatically by the display modules.

    If you translate a new language or make a correction within an existing one,
    please email a copy of the language file to We will
    include new languages in future releases.

    $config["fileSeparator"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "/"

    The separator used in your filesystem. UNIX based systems use '/'.
    DOS/Win based systems use '\\'. Must be '\\' since '\' is the escape character.

    $config["header"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "config/header.php"

    The file that is used for the header on the results page.

    $config["footer"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "config/footer.php"

    The file that is used for the footer on the results page.

    $config["target"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "_self"

    The target refers to the target frame for links. If you are not using
    frame sets, "_self" is correct. If you have a specific target frame,
    specify it here.

    $config["fonts"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "Arial, Sans-Serif, Helvetica"

    The fonts to be used on the Display Results page.

    $config["headerColor"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "666699"

    This is the color used for the header or title on the Display Results
    page. This can be any valid HTML color, either keywords like "blue" or
    RGB values like "666699".

    $config["navColor"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "008000"

    This is the color used for the navigation sections on the Display
    Results page. This can be any valid HTML color, either keywords like
    "blue" or RGB values like "008000".

    $config["infoBarColor"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "008000"

    This is the color used for the information bar on the Display Results
    page. This can be any valid HTML color, either keywords like "blue" or
    RGB values like "008000".

    $config["infoBar"] - Datatype: (Boolean) - Ex: true

    If set to true, a information bar will appear below each results
    description on the results page. You can customize the information
    bar with the "infoBarFormat" option below.

    $config["infoBarFormat"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "@URL@ @DASH-SIZE@ @SIZE2@"

    The "infoBarFormat" field is used to build the information bar that appears
    below descriptions on the results page. The following variables are
    currently available:

    @HOST@ - The links hostname. (ie:
    @URL@ - The links hostname. (ie:
    @FULLURL@ - The links full URL. (ie:
    @DASH-URL@ - Displays a dash if @URL@, @FULLURL@ or @HOST@ contains a value.
    @SIZE@ - The filesize in KB for filesystem matches to 0 decimals.
    @SIZE1@ - The filesize in KB for filesystem matches to 1 decimals.
    @SIZE2@ - The filesize in KB for filesystem matches to 2 decimals.
    @DASH-SIZE@ - Displays a dash if @SIZE@ contains a value.
    @LASTMOD@ - The last modification date.
    @DASH-LASTMOD@ - Displays a dash if @LASTMOD@ contains a value.
    @TARGET@ - The value stored in $config['target'].
    @DASH-TARGET@ - Displays a dash if @TARGET@ contains a value.

    $config["dateFormat"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "M j, Y H:i:s"

    Date format string used to generate Last Modified on Display Results.
    See the PHP documentation on the date() function for more details.

    $config["results"] - Datatype: (Integer) - Ex: 10

    The default number of results to display per page. When set to 0, all
    results will be displayed on one page. This will be used if 'r' is not
    specified in the call to search.php as shown in the example below:

    $config["boldQuery"] - Datatype: (Boolean) - Ex: true

    If set to true, the search word(s) will be bolded in the description on
    the results page.

    $config["timed"] - Datatype: (Boolean) - Ex: true

    If set to true, the results page will include the time taken to search.

    $config["maxSearchTime"] - Datatype: (Float) - Ex: 25

    The maximum amount of time to spend searching. When the time limit
    expires, the module will exit early reporting only the results it had
    located so far. PHP by default will only allow a script to run for
    30 seconds (configurable in php.ini on UNIX platforms.)

    Set to 0 to disable this feature.

    NOTE: Database searches can only be interrupted between searches, which
    means it may take longer than expected to exit the "db" module.

    $config["translate"] - Datatype: (Boolean) - Ex: true

    If set to true, each result will include a link to the translation service
    at The $config["translateFrom"] option will
    set the default translation to be done.

    NOTE: Users will still need to hit the button "Translate" at that site.

    $config["translateFrom"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: en_de

    This is the default translation to be done at
    The currently available translation options are listed below:

    en_fr - English to French
    en_de - English to German
    en_it - English to Italian
    en_pt - English to Portuguese
    en_es - English to Spanish
    fr_en - French to English
    de_en - German to English
    it_en - Italian to English
    pt_en - Portuguese to English
    es_en - Spanish to English
    de_fr - German to French
    fr_de - French to German
    ru_en - Russian to English

    $config["verifyConfig"] - Datatype: (Boolean) - Ex: true

    If set to true, the config file is verified each time DGS Search is run.

    This feature can be disabled for a small speed increase once your config
    is known to be valid.

    NOTE: If debug is enabled, verifyConfig will be enabled automatically.

    $config["warn"] - Datatype: (Boolean) - Ex: true

    If set to true, warnings will be displayed on the results page.
    The most common use of this function is to allow SAFE MODE warnings
    to be displayed, so they can be fixed. Most of these will be caused
    by the script being owned by a different user than the files you
    will be searching.

    NOTE: If debug is enabled, warn will be enabled automatically.

    $config["debug"] - Datatype: (Boolean) - Ex: false

    If set to true, debugging information will be displayed on the results
    page. This can often help track down configuration errors.

    $config["remoteDebug"] - Datatype: (Boolean/String) - Ex: false

    If set to true, a remote site will be able to see debugging information
    using specialized parameters passed to search.php. This is useful on live
    sites, since normal users won't see debugging information.

    When set to true, you can use this options as follows:

    If you would like to set a password for this feature, rather than setting
    true, set it to a string value which will act as your password. Below is
    an example of setting a password:

    $config["remoteDebug"] = "myPassword";

    When a password is set, you can use this option as follows:

    Generally you will want this feature disabled (set to false), as it allows
    the remote site to collect information about your install of PHP and how
    DGS Search is configured on your system. If you are paranoid about this
    feature, remove the function remoteDebug() from 'dgssearch/libs/utils.php'.

    When remote debug is enabled, you will be able to use its extended features.
    Below are examples of how to use these features:

    PHP Information

    DGS Search Configuration Information

    Misc Tests Information

    Ash Quote

    All Information (All options)

    $config["hideCredits"] - Datatype: (Boolean) - Ex: false

    If set to true, the string "DGS Search" and link to our site will be
    removed from the bottom of the results page. We would like to ask that
    you leave this option set to false, as makes it easy for others to
    locate DGS Search.

    Filesystem Options

    $config["urlBase"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: ""

    The base URL for your site. The URL will be used to generate links to your
    search results.

    $config["siteBase"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "/usr/local/apache/htdocs"

    The directory that corresponds to the URL base.

    $config["fsBase"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "/usr/local/apache/htdocs"

    The directory on your local filesystem to begin searching.

    $config["f************clude"] - Datatype: (Array of String) - Ex: array("^\.ht", "secret.txt")

    A list of directories or files that should be excluded from your search.
    Entries are treated as regular expressions.

    This option will take precedence over $config["exts"] option. This allows
    you to include all ".html" files, but a specific file like "secret.html".

    NOTE: If an entry is not an absolute path, the entry is compared relative
    to the directory DGS Search is currently processing. For example, if
    you list 'images' and '\.gif$' to be excluded, any directory named
    'images' and any file ending in ".gif" will be excluded.

    $config["cacheFile"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "/tmp/dgssearch.cache"

    Cache file to be used for storing the filenames that will be searched.
    Use of a cache file speeds up filesystem searches, since DGS Search
    won't need to scan the filesystem for ever search request. On Windows
    platforms, this should be set to "c:\\temp\\dgssearch.cache" or
    another temporary directory.

    $config["cacheTTL"] - Datatype: (Integer) - Ex: 3600

    The time to live (TTL) in seconds for the filesystem cache file.
    When the cache file becomes older than the TTL, DGS Search will scan the
    filesystem and generate a new cache file. If the TTL is set to 0, then
    filesystem caching will be disabled.

    If the HTML on your site doesn't change very often, you may want to set
    the TTL up to 86400 (1 day) or higher to keep DGS Search from rebuilding
    the cache file so often.

    $config["maxFileSize"] - Datatype: (Integer) - Ex: 51200

    The maximum filesize in bytes that DGS Search will search. If the file
    is larger than the specified size, it will be skipped. This gives you
    a way to exclude files that are not searchable in a reasonable amount
    of time.

    $config["metaDesc"] - Datatype: (Boolean) - Ex: false

    If set to true, DGS Search will attempt to extract the META 'description'
    from files rather than a context description. If no META tag is available
    it will fall back to the normal context descriptions.

    NOTE: This feature will slow down searches slightly. It will also truncate
    longer descriptions down to one line.

    $config["stripTags"] - Datatype: (Boolean) - Ex: true

    If set to true, all HTML and PHP tags will be stripped from files before
    they are searched for a query. If set to false, the actual HTML and PHP
    code could be found and displayed in the descriptions on the Search Results
    page, possibly exposing passwords or other sensitive information.

    $config["followLinks"] - Datatype: (Boolean) - Ex: true

    If set to true, SymLinks will be followed on systems that support SymLinks.
    On systems that lack the is_link() function, this setting will be ignored.

    $config["frameSet"] - Datatype: (Boolean) - Ex: false

    If set to true, DGS Search will attempt to provide a link to the frame set,
    rather than the automatically generated documents that are embedded in the
    frame sets. If set to false, no substitutions will be made.

    The schemes schemes currently supported are:

    Files named 'xy-[0-9]+.html?' are replaced with 'xy.html', if it exists.

    Files named 'xy/[0-9]+.html?' are replaced with 'xy/xy.html', if it exists.

    $config["exts"] - Datatype: (Array of String) - Ex: array("html", "php3?", "txt")

    A list of extensions that will determine what files in your site are
    searched. Regular expressions can be used to include groups of
    extensions into one entry. For example, 'html?' will include all "htm" and
    "html" files within your searches.

    The $config["f************clude"] option will take precedence over this option. This
    allows you to include all ".html" files, but a specific file like "secret.html".

    NOTE: If this option is set to "" or undefined, then DGS Search will read all
    files within a directory, regardless of the file extension.

    NOTE: Do not place a leading dot before extensions unless you are intentionally
    using the dot as a regular expression wildcard character.

    $config["docExts"] - Datatype: (Array of String) - Ex: array("pdf", "doc", "ps")

    A list of extensions to build a link to rather than the actual HTML or text
    document that was searched.

    This features allows you to locate results that are plain text, such as PDF,
    Word Documents, and Postscript files.

    For example, if DGS Search determines that the file 'manual.txt' matches your
    search and there is a file named 'manual.pdf' in the same directory, the results
    page will contain a link the file 'manual.pdf' rather than the file it searched.

    DGS Search will prefer document extensions in the order they are listed within
    'docExts' array. If 'pdf' was listed first in the array and there was a 'pdf'
    and a 'ps' file in a directory, the 'pdf' file would be used on the results page.

    NOTE: If this option is set to "" or undefined, then DGS Search will not do any
    substitutions on the results page.

    NOTE: DGS Search will not do any document conversion for you. You must generate
    text files from your own 'pdf', 'doc', or 'ps' files. Many Linux distributions
    include the program 'ps2ascii' which can be used to convert 'pdf' and 'ps'
    documents into text. Another program called 'pstotext' is also available.

    $config["descWidth"] - Datatype: (Integer) - Ex: 80

    The width or string length of the description on the Search Results page.

    $config["descHeight"] - Datatype: (Integer) - Ex: 2

    The height of number of lines of description to be displayed on the Search
    Results page.

    $config["descEnd"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "..."

    The string that to be added to the beginning and end of the description.

    Database Options

    NOTE: The 'x' in $database[x]["keyword"] should be replace with an integer
    value such as 0, 1, 2, etc. This allows searching of multiple databases
    or tables within a database.

    $database[x]["type"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "mysql"

    This is the database type. This can be different on each database entry.
    Currently supported types are: mysql, pgsql, mssql, odbc and ibase.

    $database[x]["server"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "localhost"

    The hostname, IP address or PIPE name of the SQL server.

    NOTE: This options is ignored if $database[x]["type"] is set to 'odbc'.

    NOTE: If you are connecting to a local MSSQL server, use the PIPE name,
    localhost or won't work. (At least on our test server.)
    Your interface IP address will also work.

    NOTE: If $database[x]["type"] is set to 'ibase', then server must be set
    specific to the type of connection you are making to your server.
    See the below examples:

    For a TCP/IP connection to your InterBase server, "server" must
    be set to the hostname or IP address followed by a colon, such
    as "hostname:" or "".

    For a NetBEUI connection to your InterBase server, "server" must
    be set to a NetBEUI hostname path, such as "//hostname/".

    For a IPX/SPX connection to your InterBase server, "server" must
    be set to the IPX/SPX hostname followed by the @ symbol, such as

    For a connection to a InterBase database on the same server,
    "server" can be set to the empty string, such as "".

    $database[x]["port"] - Datatype: (Integer) - Ex: 3306

    The TCP/UDP port to use when communicating with the server. If set to
    0, the default port will be used. The ODBC database type will ignore
    this option.

    $database[x]["username"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "username"

    The username used to connect to your database. Set to an empty string
    if your database uses no username.

    $database[x]["password"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "password"

    The password used to connect to your database. Set to an empty string
    if your database uses no password.

    $database[x]["database"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "database"

    The name of the database or DSN to connect to and search.

    $database[x]["persistent"] - Datatype: (Boolean) - Ex: true

    If set to true, persistent database connections will be used.
    Non-persistent connections are slower, but may be needed for compatibility
    with some databases. (For example, MSSQL's ODBC driver isn't able to
    handle parallel selects on a persistent connection.)

    If you begin to get SQL errors while multiple searches are being processed
    at the same time, turn persistent connection off. It should clear up the

    $database[x]["table"] - Datatype: (Array of String) - Ex: array("article", "magazine")

    The name of the table(s) in your database to search. In most cases, you will only be
    searching one table.

    If more than one table is listed in the "table" array, then DGS Search will attempt to do
    an SQL join based on $database[x]["tableAssoc"].

    If you had the SQL statement:

    SELECT * FROM article, magazine WHERE field = 1;

    The "table" array is used to build the "article, magazine" section of that statement.

    $database[x]["tableAssoc"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "article.magazineid = magazine.magazineid"

    A string of rules for associating the records in multiple tables. If you
    are only searching one table, set this value to the empty string.

    If you had the SQL statement:

    SELECT * FROM article, magazine WHERE article.magazineid = magazine.magazineid;

    The "tableAssoc" is used to build the "article.magazineid = magazine.magazineid" section
    of that statement.

    $database[x]["returnField"] - Datatype: (Array of String) - Ex: array("author", "title", "mag_name", "articleid")

    The fields returned from the database. These fields can be used to substitute
    into the URL and description. The fields are referred to in the same order
    they are listed within the array, starting from 0. The first field 'author'
    would be referred to as '@0@'. The second field 'title' would be referred to as
    @1@. The third field 'mag_name' would be '@2@', etc.

    If you had the SQL statement:

    SELECT author, title, mag_name, articleid FROM table WHERE articleid = 1;

    The "returnField" array is used to build the "author, title, mag_name, articleid"
    section of that statement. It determines what data from the database you can use to
    build your "link", "url" and "desc" on the results page.

    $database[x]["searchField"] - Datatype: (Array of String) - Ex: array("title")

    The field(s) to search within your table. These are the fields DGS Search will search to
    locate results.

    If you had the SQL statement:

    SELECT articleid, title FROM table WHERE title = "Rings";

    The "searchField" array is used to build the "title = Rings" section of that statement.

    $database[x]["link"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "Article name is '@1@'"

    The descriptive link on the Search Results page. Variables '@0@', '@1@', etc. can
    be used within the string to produce dynamic content. The variables refer to the
    fields within the $database[x]["returnField] array, counting up from 0.

    $database[x]["url"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: ""

    The URL to your page that displayed the data from the database. Variables '@0@',
    '@1@', etc. can be used within the string to produce a dynamic URL. The variables
    refer to the fields within the $database[x]["returnField] array, counting up from 0.

    NOTE: The file bogus.php is not included and is just an example. You must create
    your own page to display what DGS Search finds in your database. (You would
    not believe how many people don't get this.)

    $database[x]["desc"] - Datatype: (Array of String) - Ex: array("@1@ was published in @2@.", "Authored by @0@.")

    The description displayed below the link on the Search Results page. Each string in the
    array will be a different line in the description. Variables '@0@', '@1@', etc. can be
    used within the string to produce dynamic content. The variables refer to the fields
    within the $database[x]["returnField] array, counting up from 0.

    $database[x]["descWidth"] - Datatype: (Integer) - Ex: 80

    The width or string length of the description on the Search Results page. This is set
    on a per database basis.

    Set to 0 to disable this feature.

    $database[x]["wildcard"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "Both"

    This setting determines how DGS Search will search your database for the
    query. Supported options are: None, Left, Right or Both. If set to None,
    the query will match whole words only. If set to both, then the query will
    be treated as a substring. Left and Right will cause wildcard character to
    be placed on the corresponding side.

    For those familiar with SQL, setting None results in the following statement:

    SELECT * FROM table WHERE field = 'query'

    Setting Both results in the following statement (% is the wildcard character):

    SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE '%query%'

    Setting Left results in the following statement:

    SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE '%query'

    Setting Right results in the following statement:

    SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE 'query%'

    $database[x]["orderByDepth"] - Datatype: (Integer) - Ex: 2

    The order by depth sets the number of result fields to use when ordering the
    results from the database. The default of -1, will use all result fields to
    order the results. If set to 2, then only the first two result fields are
    used to order the results. If you are working with a large database, this
    setting may help you speed searches. The more fields you order by, the
    longer a result set usually takes.

    $database[x]["forceLower"] - Datatype: (Boolean) - Ex: false

    Forces a case-insensitive search by lowercasing everything. Most databases default
    to case-insensitive searches, so this option should generally be set to false. This
    feature uses the SQL function LOWER() or LCASE() available with most SQL servers.


    NOTE: These options generally don't need to be changed.

    $config["version"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "v0.9.4"

    The current version of DGS Search.

    $config["maxResults"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: 65535

    The total number of results that can be displayed per page. This value is
    used internally to allow all results to be displayed on one page, if results
    is set to 0.

    $config["extSeparator"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "."

    The file extension separator used to in your filesystem.

    $config["thisDir"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: "."

    The string used in denote the current directory.

    $config["parentDir"] - Datatype: (String) - Ex: ".."

    The string used in denote the parent directory.


  • #2

    sorry, dass ich euch belästigt habe, ich hab das script dochnoch hinbekommne, ich war wohl nur zu faul, die Readme richtig durchzulesen weil sie englisch war, aber war easy



    • #3
      Trotzdem danke für deinen ausführlichen Thread.

      Habe das Problem zwar nicht, aber kannst du vielleicht wenigstens eine kurze Antwort posten, falls mal wieder jemand das gleiche Problem hat!?



      • #4
        ich glaube das Probl. war einfach, dass er nicht wusste, was er wo einstellen soll. ist ja lediglich ne conig.
        BTW: sowas ist überflüssig! Aber wenigstens bist du ehrlich...

