Suche gutes Template-System

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  • Suche gutes Template-System

    Hallo zusammen. Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem leistungsstarken Templatesystem. Kenne bis jetzt nur PHPLIB und bin davon nicht voll und ganz überzeugt. Was gibt es für Alternativen die Ihr mir empfehlen könntet?

  • #2

    schau dir mal an


    What is Smarty?

    Smarty is a template engine for PHP. Many other template engines for PHP
    provide basic variable substitution and dynamic block functionality.
    Smarty takes a step further to be a "smart" template engine, adding
    features such as configuration files, template functions, and variable
    modifiers, and making all of this functionality as easy as possible to
    use for both programmers and template designers. Smarty also converts
    the templates into PHP scripts, eliminating the need to parse the
    templates on every invocation. This makes Smarty extremely scalable and
    managable for large application needs.

    Some of Smarty's features:

    * it is extremely fast
    * no template parsing overhead, only compiles once.
    * it is smart about recompiling only the template files that have
    * the template language is remarkably extensible via the plugin
    * configurable template delimiter tag syntax, so you can use
    {}, {{}}, <!--{}-->, or whatever you like.
    * built-in caching of template output.
    * arbitrary template sources (filesystem, databases, etc.)
    * template if/elseif/else/endif constructs are passed to the PHP parser,
    so the if syntax can be as simple or as complex as you like.
    * unlimited nesting of sections, conditionals, etc. allowed
    * it is possible to embed PHP code right in your template files,
    although not recommended and doubtfully needed since the engine
    is so customizable.
    * and many more.

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    die PHP Marktplatz-Software |

