web based PHP md5 crack

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  • web based PHP md5 crack

    I saw one PHP web based md5 crack system that is about 700 mb

    How to do somethig like that?
    Some PHP skript that can encode this md5 encoded string (string = password)

    on the page you enter a string into text bod and give a lenght and click on and the skript decrypts it

    is something possible? I mean web based?
    if not, is there any program for windows that can do that?

  • #2
    Haven't seen something similar yet. Why do you need in the first place? (Hopefully, nothing illegal )
    "Ach was soll's? Dann bau ich mir halt meinen eigenen Vergnügungspark mit Blackjack und Nutten." - Bender


    • #3
      no, nothing illegal!

      I made a script that encodes string into MD5 code, but now I will make a better version og my script and add md5 decoding into string

      first you enter password
      and result is 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99

      then you enter 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99
      and the script will show password

      is it possible? I think it sould be?

