
(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL OCI8 >= 1.1.0)

oci_num_fieldsReturns the number of result columns in a statement


oci_num_fields(resource $statement): int

Gets the number of columns in the given statement.



A valid OCI statement identifier.


Returns the number of columns as an int.


Beispiel #1 oci_num_fields() example


// Create the table with:
//   CREATE TABLE mytab (id NUMBER, quantity NUMBER);

$conn oci_connect("hr""hrpwd""localhost/XE");
if (!
$conn) {
$m oci_error();
trigger_error(htmlentities($m['message']), E_USER_ERROR);

$stid oci_parse($conn"SELECT * FROM mytab");
oci_execute($stidOCI_DESCRIBE_ONLY); // Use OCI_DESCRIBE_ONLY if not fetching rows

$ncols oci_num_fields($stid);
for (
$i 1$i <= $ncols$i++) {
oci_field_name($stid$i) . " " oci_field_type($stid$i) . "<br>\n";

// Outputs:





In PHP versions before 5.0.0 you must use ocinumcols() instead. This name still can be used, it was left as alias of oci_num_fields() for downwards compatability. This, however, is deprecated and not recommended.

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