echo load_header('allgemein');
if ($submit) {
$login_ok = TRUE;
if ($username == "" or strlen($username) < 3 or strlen($username) > 15) {
echo "<b><center>Bitte geben Sie Ihren Usernamen an!</b></center><br><br>";
$login_ok = FALSE;
if ($passwort == "" or strlen($passwort) < 5 or strlen($passwort) > 30) {
echo "<b><center>Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort an!</b></center><br><br>";
$login_ok = FALSE;
$m_res = mysql_query("SELECT username, passwort FROM $table01 WHERE username='$username' AND passwort='$passwort'");
$m_rows = mysql_fetch_array($m_res);
if ($login_ok AND $m_rows[username] == $username AND $m_rows[passwort] == $passwort) {
setcookie("username", $username, time()+3600, "/", "localhost", 1);
setcookie("passwort", $passwort, time()+3600, "/", "localhost", 1); #zeile 22
header("Location: show.php"); #zeile 23
exit(); #zeile 24
else {
echo "<b><center>Logindaten sind nicht korrekt!</b></center>";
else {
echo tmpl('templates/partner/login.temp');
echo load_footer('allgemein');
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\apache\htdocs\functions.php:29) in c:\apache\htdocs\login.php on line 22
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\apache\htdocs\functions.php:29) in c:\apache\htdocs\login.php on line 23
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\apache\htdocs\functions.php:29) in c:\apache\htdocs\login.php on line 24
merkwürdig ist allerdings, dass die zeile 29 in functions.php leer ist und nach dem ?> ist. streiche ich den aufruf von functions.php wird in der letzten leeren zeile nach dem ?> in config.php der selbe fehler gemeldet.