newsletter/formular mit html versenden...

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  • newsletter/formular mit html versenden...

    hallo zusammen,
    ich hab ein newsletter/formular, mit dem ich nun den
    text als html verschicken möchte.
    was muss ich tun, um das vorhandene skript so zu erweitern.

    dank im vorraus

  • #2
    wie wäre es, wenn du dein bestehendes script mal posten würdest .... du keks

    Wichtige Anmerkung: Ich habe keine Probleme mit Alkohol ...
    ... nur ohne :-)


    • #3
      isn bisschen lang, aber was solls,
      bis man mal zip-datein mit hochladen kann, werden die einzelnen threads wohl tausende vonpixeln lang bleiben :-)

      require ('config.php');

      ////////////////////////////////// DO NOT TOUCH BELOW ////////////////////////
      $Version = "Version 1.57";

      // signs up user
      if($QUERY_STRING == "remove"){
      if($mailaction == "userremove"){
      $string = "";
      $action = "Error. No such email in database.";
      function addstring($value){

      $fcontents = file($userfile);
      while(list(,$value) = each ($fcontents)){
      list ($name,$password,$email) = split( "\|", $value);
      $value = str_replace ("\n", "", $value);
      $email = str_replace ("\n", "", $email);
      if($email == $Emailitem){
      // checks if USEAUTH is on or off
      if($useauth == "on"){
      if($password == $Passitem && $name == $Nameitem){
      $action = "Email Successfully Deleted.";
      else { $string = $string."$value\n"; $action = "Wrong Password\\Username combo.";}
      } // ends auth
      else { $action = "Email successfully deleted.";} // ends auth else
      else { $string = $string."$value\n"; $action = "No such email in database.";}
      $fw = fopen ($userfile, "w");
      $file = fwrite($fw,$string);
      $fp = fclose ($fw);
      echo "<h3>Result:<br><I>$action</I></h3>";
      echo "<P><font size=1><i><a href=\"\">Powered by RGNmailer ($Version)</A></I></font>";
      echo "<font face=arial size=-1>";
      echo "Please type in your email to be removed<P>";
      echo "<form action=$fileurl?remove method=post>";
      echo "<input type=hidden name=mailaction value=\"userremove\">";
      echo "<input type=text name=Emailitem> Email Address<P>";
      if($useauth == "on"){
      echo "<input type=text name=Nameitem> User Name<P>";
      echo "<input type=password name=Passitem> Password<P>";
      echo "<input type=submit name=Remove value=Remove>";
      echo "</form>";
      echo "<P><a href=\"$siteurl\">$sitename</A></P>";
      elseif($QUERY_STRING == "subscribe"){
      echo "<h3>Subscribe</h3>";
      echo "<form action=$fileurl method=post>";
      echo "<input type=hidden name=mailaction value=\"usersubscribe\">";
      echo "<input type=text name=UserName> <font size=-1>Username</font><BR>";
      echo "<input type=password name=Password> <font size=-1>Password</font><BR>";
      echo "<input type=text name=Email> <font size=-1>Email</font><br>";
      echo "<input type=submit name=SignUp value=\"Sign Up!\"></form><p>";
      echo "<P><font size=1><i><a href=\"\">Powered by RGNmailer ($Version)</A></I></font>";
      elseif($QUERY_STRING == "password"){
      $fcontents = file($userfile);
      $find = "yes";
      while(list(,$value) = each ($fcontents)){
      list ($name,$password,$email) = split( "\|", $value);
      $value = str_replace ("\n", "", $value);
      $email = str_replace ("\n", "", $email);
      if($email == $Email){
      mail($Email, "$sitename Account info", "Name - $name\nEmail - $Email\nPassword - $password\n\n\nVisit us at $siteurl\n\nPowered by RGNmailer ($Version).", "From: $webmasteremail\nReply-To: $webmasteremail");
      $action = "Your password has been sent to <B>$email</B>";
      $find = "no";
      if($find == "yes"){
      echo "Sorry, that email does not exist in our database.";
      else { echo $action; }
      echo "<h3>Password Retriever</h3>";
      echo "Fill out this form to have your password automatically emailed to you!<P>";
      echo "<form action=$fileurl?password method=post>";
      echo "<input type=text name=Email> <font size=-1>Email</font><br>";
      echo "<input type=submit name=SignUp value=\"Get Password\"></form><p>";
      echo "<P><font size=1><i><a href=\"\">Powered by RGNmailer ($Version)</A></I></font>";
      elseif($mailaction == "usersubscribe"){
      if($Email != ""){
      $found = "notfound";
      $usercheck = file("$userfile");
      while(list(,$value) = each ($usercheck)){
      list ($name,$password,$email) = split( "\|", $value);
      $email = str_replace ("\n", "", $email);
      if($email == $Email){
      $found = "found";
      } // end if
      } // end while
      if($found != "found"){
      $fp = fopen ($userfile, "a");
      $file = fwrite ($fp, "$UserName|$Password|$Email\n");
      $fp = fclose ($fp);
      $welcomemessage = file("$welcomefile");
      while(list(,$temp) = each ($welcomemessage)){
      $welcomemsg = $welcomemsg."$temp";
      mail($Email, "Welcome to $sitename Mailing List", "$welcomemsg\n\nName - $UserName\nEmail - $Email\nPassword - $Password\n\n\nVisit us at $siteurl\n\nPowered by RGNmailer ($Version).", "From: $webmasteremail\nReply-To: $webmasteremail");
      echo "Thanks! You've been added to the newsletter!";
      else {
      echo "Sorry! The email you entered already exists!<P><a href=\"$fileurl?subscribe\">Click here to go back</A>";
      echo "<P><a href=\"$siteurl\">$sitename</A></P>";
      echo "<P><font size=1><i><a href=\"\">Powered by RGNmailer ($Version)</A></I></font>";
      else {
      echo "Error. Email not entered. Try again.";

      if($QUERY_STRING == "admin"){

      if($mailaction == "admindeleteuser"){
      if($adminpass == $AdminPass){
      $string = "";
      $action = "Error. No such email in database.";
      $fcontents = file($userfile);
      while(list(,$value) = each ($fcontents)){
      list ($name,$password,$email) = split( "\|", $value);
      if($email == $Emailitem){
      # we dont write it
      $action = "Email Successfully Deleted.";
      else {
      $value = str_replace ("\n", "", $value);
      $string = $string."$value\n";
      $fw = fopen ($userfile, "w");
      $file = fwrite($fw,$string);
      $fp = fclose ($fw);
      echo "<h3>User Deleted: $Emailitem</h3>";
      else {
      echo "Error. Wrong Password. Go <a href=$fileurl?admin>Back</A>.";
      echo "<P><a href=\"$siteurl\">$sitename</A></P>";
      elseif($mailaction == "adminmailout"){
      if($adminpass == $AdminPassword){
      $fcontents = file($userfile);
      while(list(,$value) = each ($fcontents)){
      list ($name,$password,$email) = split( "\|", $value);
      $email = str_replace ("\n", "", $email);
      $mailheaders = "From: $webmasteremail\n";
      $mailheaders .= "Reply-To: $webmasteremail\n";
      $msg_body = stripslashes($MailContents);
      if ($attach != "none")
      { $file = fopen($attach, "r");
      $contents = fread($file, $attach_size);
      $encoded_attach = chunk_split(base64_encode($contents));
      $mailheaders .= "MIME-version: 1.0\n";
      $mailheaders .= "Content-type: multipart/mixed; ";
      $mailheaders .= "boundary=\"Message-Boundary\"\n";
      $mailheaders .= "Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT\n";
      $mailheaders .= "X-attachments: $attach_name";
      $body_top = "--Message-Boundary\n";
      $body_top .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII\n";
      $body_top .= "Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT\n";
      $body_top .= "Content-description: Mail message body\n\n";
      $msg_body = $body_top . $msg_body;
      $msg_body .= "\n\n--Message-Boundary\n";
      $msg_body .= "Content-type: $attach_type; name=\"$attach_name\"\n";
      $msg_body .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64\n";
      $msg_body .= "Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"$attach_name\"\n\n";
      $msg_body .= "$encoded_attach\n";
      $msg_body .= "--Message-Boundary--\n";
      mail($email, stripslashes($MaiLSubject), "Name - $name\nEmail - $email\n\n$msg_body",$mailheaders);
      // checks to see if save message in archive
      if($messagearchive == "on"){
      $fp = fopen ("$archivedir/$MaiLSubject.txt", "w");
      $file = fwrite ($fp, "$msg_body");
      $fp = fclose ($fp);
      // ends writing file
      echo "<h3>Mail Sent!</h3>";
      else {
      echo "Error. Wrong Password. Go <a href=$fileurl?admin>Back</A>.";
      echo "<P><a href=\"$siteurl\">$sitename</A></P>";
      echo "<P><a href=\"$siteurl\">$sitename</A></P>";
      echo "<h3>Admin Center</h3>\n";
      echo "<form action=$fileurl?admin method=post>";
      echo "<input type=hidden name=mailaction value=\"admindeleteuser\">";
      echo "<h4>Delete User</h4>";
      echo "<font size=-1><input type=password name=AdminPass> Admin Password</font><br>";
      echo "<select name=Emailitem>\n";
      $fcontents = file($userfile);
      $subscribers = 0;
      while(list(,$value) = each ($fcontents)){
      list ($name,$password,$email) = split( "\|", $value);
      echo "<OPTION value=\"$email\">$email\n";
      echo "</select>\n<input type=submit value=\"Delete User\" name=\"admin_Delete\"></form><P>";
      echo "<P><B>Total Subscribers: <font color=red>$subscribers</font></B></P>";
      echo "<form action=$fileurl method=post>";
      echo "<input type=hidden name=mailaction value=\"usersubscribe\">";
      echo "<input type=text name=UserName> <font size=-1>Username</font><BR>";
      echo "<input type=password name=Password> <font size=-1>Password</font><BR>";
      echo "<input type=text name=Email> <font size=-1>Email</font><br>";
      echo "<input type=submit name=SignUp value=\"Sign Up!\"></form><p>";
      echo "<h4>Email Mailing List</h4>";
      echo "<form action=$fileurl?admin method=post name=doit enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">";
      echo "<input type=hidden name=mailaction value=\"adminmailout\">";
      echo "<font size=-1><input type=password name=AdminPassword> Admin Password</font><p>";
      echo "<font size=-1><B>Attach File:</B><BR><input type=file name=\"attach\"></font><BR>";
      echo "<input type=text name=MaiLSubject> <font size=-1>Subject</font><BR>";
      echo "<TextArea name=MailContents cols=65 rows=5></TextArea><BR>";
      echo "<input type=Submit value=\"Send Mail!\" name=\"admin_Email\">";
      if($messagearchive == "on"){
      echo "<h4>Mail Archive</h4>";
      $d = dir("$archivedir");
      while($entry=$d->read()) {
      if($entry == "."){ } elseif($entry == ".."){ } else {
      echo "<a href=\"$archivehttp/$entry\">$entry</A><br>\n"; }



      • #4
        Also ich lös sowas zum beispiel bei mei'm counter für die monatlichen stats mit nem HTML-template, in dem dann die zu ergänzenden teile durch platzhalter definiert sind.

        das template ist ansonsten ne fertige html-datei.
        das teil wird eingelesen, die platzhalter werden durch den eigentlichen inhalt ersetzt und letzte endes steht der komplette newsletter in einer variablen.

        die hängste jetzt entweder als mailbody oder attachement, ganz wie du willst, an deine mail ran und schickst die fertige mail raus. das wars.

        gruß carsten
        CAITS MovieBase für Windows - Filme verwalten mit System!

        CAITS PowerCounter - mehr Statistik gibt es nicht!

