phpAdsNew automatische Deaktivierung von Log an AdView everytime a banner is delivere

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  • phpAdsNew automatische Deaktivierung von Log an AdView everytime a banner is delivere

    Bei dem Script phpAdsNew deaktivieren sich die Felder, die zum Zählen von Views und Klicks aktiviert sein müßten, automatisch. Ich werde bei einem Login in den Administratorbereich auch daraufhingewiesen. Da steht dann immer, dass die Banner wohl nicht oft genug eingeblendet wueder und dass ich etwas an "Maintenance" ändern müßte. Was muß ich denn da ändern? Ich bin ratlos... Die Bannerviews sollen doch halt gezählt werden. Ansonsten läuft das Script 100%ig.
    Hoffe auf Hilfe...
    Bis bald

  • #2
    da ist doch sicher ein config script bei, wird wahrscheinlich nur eine kleine zahl zu ändern sein.

    frage mich nur, warum das im php-forum gelandet ist. *VERSCHIEB*

    haben die eigentlich kein eigenes Forum?


    • #3
      Hmm. Sorry, dass ich im falschen Forum gepostet hab.
      Habe in der config was gefunden. Vielleicht weiß ja wer, was da zu ändern ist.
      // Block logging of views for xx seconds after the last entry
      // This is to prevent logging after each page reload
      $phpAds_config['block_adviews'] = 0;


      • #4
        war das auf 0 gesetzt?

        dann kann das entweder false oder 0 sec heißen. gibt es einen zweiten parameter?


        • #5
          Also ich sehe da keinen anderen Parameter. Habe sicherheitshalber mal die config mit gepostet. Unten steht sowiso, dass man die config nicht nocheinmal neu hochladen sollte....



          /* Database configuration */
          Hab ich rausgenommen.

          // Database table names
          $phpAds_config['tbl_adclicks'] = 'phpads_adclicks';
          $phpAds_config['tbl_adviews'] = 'phpads_adviews';
          $phpAds_config['tbl_adstats'] = 'phpads_adstats';
          $phpAds_config['tbl_banners'] = 'phpads_banners';
          $phpAds_config['tbl_clients'] = 'phpads_clients';
          $phpAds_config['tbl_session'] = 'phpads_session';
          $phpAds_config['tbl_acls'] = 'phpads_acls';
          $phpAds_config['tbl_zones'] = 'phpads_zones';
          $phpAds_config['tbl_config'] = 'phpads_config';
          $phpAds_config['tbl_affiliates'] = 'phpads_affiliates';
          $phpAds_config['tbl_images'] = 'phpads_images';
          $phpAds_config['tbl_userlog'] = 'phpads_userlog';
          $phpAds_config['tbl_cache'] = 'phpads_cache';
          $phpAds_config['tbl_targetstats'] = 'tbl_targetstats';

          // Database table name prefix
          $phpAds_config['table_prefix'] = 'phpads_';

          // Database table type
          $phpAds_config['table_type'] = 'MYISAM';

          // Use persistent connections to the database
          $phpAds_config['persistent_connections'] = false;

          // Use INSERT DELAYED in logging functions?
          $phpAds_config['insert_delayed'] = false;

          // Database compatibility mode to insure phpAdsNew
          // won't disturb an available database connection
          $phpAds_config['compatibility_mode'] = false;

          /* phpAdsNew configuration */

          // The URL to your phpAds-installation
          $phpAds_config['url_prefix'] = '';

          // The Language of the Interface (eg. english, german, spanish)
          // for the right string look for the directory name in the language subdirectory
          $phpAds_config['language'] = 'german';

          // Is the admin interface enabled
          $phpAds_config['ui_enabled'] = true;

          // Only allow access to the admin interface if SSL is used
          $phpAds_config['ui_forcessl'] = false;

          /* Remote host and Geotracking configuration */

          // Reverse DNS lookup remotes hosts?
          $phpAds_config['reverse_lookup'] = false;

          // Find the correct IP for users behind a proxy
          $phpAds_config['proxy_lookup'] = false;

          // Type of geotracking database
          // Possible options: geoip, ip2country, mod_geoip or an empty string
          $phpAds_config['geotracking_type'] = '';

          // Location of the geotracking database
          $phpAds_config['geotracking_location'] = '';

          // Store the location of the user in the statistics
          $phpAds_config['geotracking_stats'] = false;

          // Store the result in a cookie for future reference (only in combination with beacon logging)
          $phpAds_config['geotracking_cookie'] = false;

          /* Statistics and logging */

          // Use compact or verbose statistics
          $phpAds_config['compact_stats'] = true;

          // Enabled logging of adviews?
          $phpAds_config['log_adviews'] = true;

          // Enabled logging of adclicks?
          $phpAds_config['log_adclicks'] = true;

          // Log the source parameter
          $phpAds_config['log_source'] = true;

          // Log the hostname or IP address
          $phpAds_config['log_hostname'] = true;

          // Log only the IP address even if a hostname is available
          $phpAds_config['log_iponly'] = true;

          // Use beacons to log adviews
          $phpAds_config['log_beacon'] = true;

          // Hosts to ignore (don't count adviews coming from them)
          $phpAds_config['ignore_hosts'] = array (); // Example: array('', '');

          // Block logging of views for xx seconds after the last entry
          // This is to prevent logging after each page reload
          $phpAds_config['block_adviews'] = 0;

          // Block logging of clicks for xx seconds after the last entry
          // This is to prevent users from boosting the stats by clicking multiple times
          $phpAds_config['block_adclicks'] = 0;

          // E-mail admin when clicks/views get low?
          $phpAds_config['warn_admin'] = true;

          // E-mail client when clicks/views get low?
          $phpAds_config['warn_client'] = true;

          // Minimum clicks/views before warning e-mail is sent
          $phpAds_config['warn_limit'] = 100;

          /* P3P Privacy Policies */

          // Use P3P Polices
          $phpAds_config['p3p_policies'] = true;

          // Compact policy
          $phpAds_config['p3p_compact_policy'] = 'CUR ADM OUR NOR STA NID';

          // Policy file location
          // For example:
          // $phpAds_config['p3p_policy_location'] = '';
          $phpAds_config['p3p_policy_location'] = '';

          /* Banner retrieval */

          // Delivery caching type?
          // Possible options: none, db, file or shm
          $phpAds_config['delivery_caching'] = 'db';

          // Use conditional keywords?
          $phpAds_config['con_key'] = true;

          // Use multiple keywords for banners in banner table?
          $phpAds_config['mult_key'] = true;

          // Use delivery limitations?
          $phpAds_config['acl'] = true;

          // Default banner, it is show when phpAdsNew can't connect to the database or
          // there are absolutely no banner to display. The banner is not logged.
          // Enter the complete url (incl. http://) for the image and the target,
          // or leave them empty if you don't want to show a banner when this happens.
          $phpAds_config['default_banner_url'] = '';
          $phpAds_config['default_banner_target'] = '';

          /* Banner storage and types */

          // Automatically change HTML banners in order to force
          // click logging.
          $phpAds_config['type_html_auto'] = true;

          // Allow php expressions to be executed from within a
          // HTML banner
          $phpAds_config['type_html_php'] = false;

          /* phpAdsNew self configuration code - don't change */

          define('phpAds_installed', false);

          // Disable magic_quotes_runtime



          • #6
            kannst damit ein bisschen rumspielen:

            // Block logging of views for xx seconds after the last entry
            // This is to prevent logging after each page reload
            $phpAds_config['block_adviews'] = 0;

            // Block logging of clicks for xx seconds after the last entry
            // This is to prevent users from boosting the stats by clicking multiple times
            $phpAds_config['block_adclicks'] = 0;

            // E-mail admin when clicks/views get low?
            $phpAds_config['warn_admin'] = true;

            // E-mail client when clicks/views get low?
            $phpAds_config['warn_client'] = true;

            // Minimum clicks/views before warning e-mail is sent
            $phpAds_config['warn_limit'] = 100;

            welchen wert haben die beiden 0en standardmäßig?


            • #7
              Das sind die Standardwerte

