
(PECL svn >= 0.1.0)

svn_statusReturns the status of working copy files and directories


svn_status(string $path, int $flags = 0): array

Returns the status of working copy files and directories, giving modifications, additions, deletions and other changes to items in the working copy.



Local path to file or directory to retrieve status of.

Hinweis: Relative Pfade werden so aufgelöst, als ob das aktuelle Verzeichnis das wäre, in dem sich das PHP-Binary befindet. Um stattdessen das aktuelle Verzeichnis des aufrufenden Skripts zu nutzen, müssen sie die realpath()-Funktion oder dirname(__FILE__) zu Hilfe ziehen.


Any combination of Svn::NON_RECURSIVE, Svn::ALL (regardless of modification status), Svn::SHOW_UPDATES (entries will be added for items that are out-of-date), Svn::NO_IGNORE (disregard svn:ignore properties when scanning for new files) and Svn::IGNORE_EXTERNALS.


Returns a numerically indexed array of associative arrays detailing the status of items in the repository:

Array (
    [0] => Array (
        // information on item
    [1] => ...

The information on the item is an associative array that can contain the following keys:

String path to file/directory of this entry on local filesystem.
Status of item's text. Siehe auch Status-Konstanten für mögliche Werte.
Status of item's text in repository. Only accurate if update was set to true. Siehe auch Status-Konstanten für mögliche Werte.
Status of item's properties. Siehe auch Status-Konstanten für mögliche Werte.
Status of item's property in repository. Only accurate if update was set to true. Siehe auch Status-Konstanten für mögliche Werte.
Whether or not the item is locked. (Only set if true.)
Whether or not the item was copied (scheduled for addition with history). (Only set if true.)
Whether or not the item was switched using the switch command. (Only set if true)

These keys are only set if the item is versioned:

Base name of item in repository.
URL of item in repository.
Base URL of repository.
Integer revision of item in working copy.
Type of item, i.e. file or directory. Siehe auch Type-Konstanten für mögliche Werte.
Scheduled action for item, i.e. addition or deletion. Constants for these magic numbers are not available, they can be emulated by using:
if (!defined('svn_wc_schedule_normal')) {
define('svn_wc_schedule_normal',  0); // nothing special
define('svn_wc_schedule_add',     1); // item will be added
define('svn_wc_schedule_delete',  2); // item will be deleted
define('svn_wc_schedule_replace'3); // item will be added and deleted
Whether or not the item was deleted, but parent revision lags behind. (Only set if true.)
Whether or not the item is absent, that is, Subversion knows that there should be something there but there isn't. (Only set if true.)
Whether or not the entries file for a directory is incomplete. (Only set if true.)
Integer Unix timestamp of last commit date. (Unaffected by update.)
Integer revision of last commit. (Unaffected by update.)
String author of last commit. (Unaffected by update.)
Integer Unix timestamp of last up-to-date time for properties
Integer Unix timestamp of last up-to-date time for text


Beispiel #1 Basic example

This example demonstrates a basic, theoretical usage of this function.


Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

Array (
    [0] => Array (
        [path] => /home/bob/wc/sandwich.txt
        [text_status] => 8 // item was modified
        [repos_text_status] => 1 // no information available, use update
        [prop_status] => 3 // no changes
        [repos_prop_status] => 1 // no information available, use update
        [name] => sandwich.txt
        [url] =>
        [repos] =>
        [revision] => 123
        [kind] => 1 // file
        [schedule] => 0 // no special actions scheduled
        [cmt_date] => 1165543135
        [cmt_rev] => 120
        [cmt_author] => Alice
        [prop_time] => 1180201728
        [text_time] => 1180201729



Diese Funktion ist EXPERIMENTELL. Das Verhalten, der Funktionsname und die die zugehörige Dokumentation, können sich in zukünftigen PHP-Versionen ohne Ankündigung ändern. Seien Sie gewarnt und verwenden Sie diese Funktion auf eigenes Risiko.

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