

(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL intl >= 3.0.0)

IntlDateFormatter::formatObject -- datefmt_format_objectFormats an object


Objektorientierter Stil

public static IntlDateFormatter::formatObject(IntlCalendar|DateTimeInterface $datetime, array|int|string|null $format = null, ?string $locale = null): string|false

Prozeduraler Stil

datefmt_format_object(IntlCalendar|DateTimeInterface $datetime, array|int|string|null $format = null, ?string $locale = null): string|false

This function allows formatting an IntlCalendar or DateTime object without first explicitly creating a IntlDateFormatter object.

The temporary IntlDateFormatter that will be created will take the timezone from the passed in object. The timezone database bundled with PHP will not be used – ICU's will be used instead. The timezone identifier used in DateTime objects must therefore also exist in ICU's database.



An object of type IntlCalendar or DateTime. The timezone information in the object will be used.


How to format the date/time. This can either be an array with two elements (first the date style, then the time style, these being one of the constants IntlDateFormatter::NONE, IntlDateFormatter::SHORT, IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM, IntlDateFormatter::LONG, IntlDateFormatter::FULL), an int with the value of one of these constants (in which case it will be used both for the time and the date) or a string with the format described in » the ICU documentation. If null, the default style will be used.


The locale to use, or null to use the default one.


A string with resultBei einem Fehler wird false zurückgegeben..


Beispiel #1 IntlDateFormatter::formatObject() examples

/* default timezone is irrelevant; timezone taken from the object */
/* default locale is taken from this ini setting */

$cal IntlCalendar::fromDateTime("2013-06-06 17:05:06 Europe/Dublin");

"long \$format (full):\n\t",

"array \$format (none, full):\n\t",
IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($cal, array(

"string \$format (d 'of' MMMM y):\n\t",
IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($cal"d 'of' MMMM y"'en_US'),

"with DateTime:\n\t",
DateTime("2013-09-09 09:09:09 Europe/Madrid"),

Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt folgende Ausgabe:

    6 juin 2013 17:05:06
long $format (full):
    jeudi 6 juin 2013 17:05:06 heure d’été irlandaise
array $format (none, full):
    17:05:06 heure d’été irlandaise
string $format (d 'of' MMMM y):
    6 of June 2013
with DateTime:
    lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013 09:09:09 Hora de verano de Europa central

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