Jcx.Software announces the release of VS.Php 1.1, PHP editor for Visual Studio.

VS.Php 1.1 is a feature release update that adds support for Visual Studio class browser. This release also improves the Php debugger, editor tooltips, code outlining and Php5 support. Miami FL — April 5, 2005 — Jcx.Software (http://www.jcxsoftware.com

VS.Php 1.1 is a feature release update that adds support for Visual Studio class browser. This release also improves the Php debugger, editor tooltips, code outlining and Php5 support.

Miami FL — April 5, 2005 — Jcx.Software (http://www.jcxsoftware.com) the developer of the Php editor software for Visual Studio .Net today announced the immediate availability of VS.Php 1.1, an important update to the Php integrated development environment.

VS.Php enables Visual Studio .Net developers to design, develop, debug and deploy Php applications from inside Visual Studio .Net. VS.Php provides a rich code editor, class browser, project management, local and remote debugging. VS.Php enables Microsoft Visual Studio .Net to become a key competitor in the growing market for professional Php integrated development environment tools.

According to Jcx.Software founder, J. Rivera, “VS.Php is a unique alternative to Php developers. VS.Php allows you to create solutions that combine Php, C/C++, .Net and JavaScript. You can create a .Net client application that consumes a Php web service. Then debug the client application and the Php web service in one session, even if the Php web service is running remotely on a Linux server. VS.Php allows developers create applications that can not be developed with other Php development environments. The ability to leverage Visual Studio really opens up the possibilities.”

VS.Php 1.1 is a key update that allows the developer browse the project’s classes, functions and constant definitions in the class view. It also improved on remote debugging, code tool tips, bracket matching and code outlining. VS.Php 1.1 also adds better support for Php 5 scripts. VS.Php 1.1 is available for Microsoft Visual Studio .Net and Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2003. VS.Php is priced at $99.99 per developer and includes one year of free updates.

Founded in 2001, Jcx.Software Corp. has been a leader in providing Php development tools and solutions. Jcx.Software is a Microsoft Visual Studio Integration Partner.

Contact Information
Jcx.Software Corp.
Fax: 305-463-7002
5648 NW 113 Ave
Miami, FL 33178


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