Leider möchte das Script keine Variablen im Array aktzeptieren
das problem wird woanders liegen, debugge deine anwendung und berücksichtige bitte die empfehlung von Schnoop und Shurakai.
$ADMIN['directory'] = 'Ich hab die Hochkomma vergessen';
$imgordner = $_GET[imgordner];
$imgordner = str_replace( "/img/", "", $imgordner );
$ADMIN[RequirePass] = "No"; // Checks to see if upload has a vaild password
$ADMIN[Password] = "password"; // This is the password if the above option is Yes
$ADMIN[UploadNum] = "5"; // Number of upload feilds to put on the html page
$ADMIN[directory] = $imgordner; // The directory the files will be uploaded to (must be chmoded to 777)
$ADMIN[directory] = "imgordner"; // The directory the files will be uploaded to (must be chmoded to 777)
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