The Yaf_Loader class

(Yaf >=1.0.0)


Yaf_Loader introduces a comprehensive autoloading solution for Yaf.

The first time an instance of Yaf_Application is retrieved, Yaf_Loader will instance a singleton, and registers itself with spl_autoload. You retrieve an instance using the Yaf_Loader::getInstance()

Yaf_Loader attempt to load a class only one shot, if failed, depend on yaf.use_spl_auload, if this config is On Yaf_Loader::autoload() will return false, thus give the chance to other autoload function. if it is Off (by default), Yaf_Loader::autoload() will return true, and more important is that a very useful warning will be triggered (very useful to find out why a class could not be loaded).


Please keep yaf.use_spl_autoload Off unless there is some library have their own autoload mechanism and impossible to rewrite it.

By default, Yaf_Loader assume all library (class defined script) store in the global library directory, which is defined in the php.ini(yaf.library).

If you want Yaf_Loader search some classes(libraries) in the local class directory(which is defined in application.ini, and by default, it is . "/library"), you should register the class prefix using the Yaf_Loader::registerLocalNameSpace()

Let's see some examples(assuming APPLICATION_PATH is

Beispiel #1 Config example

// Assuming the following configure in php.ini:
yaf.library = "/global_dir"

//Assuming the following configure in application.ini
application.library = APPLICATION_PATH "/library"
Assuming the following local name space is registered:

Beispiel #2 Register localnamespace

class Bootstrap extends Yaf_Bootstrap_Abstract{
     public function 
_initLoader($dispatcher) {
Then the autoload examples:

Beispiel #3 Load class example

class Foo_Bar_Test =>
  // APPLICATION_PATH/library/Foo/Bar/Test.php
class GLO_Name  =>
  // /global_dir/Glo/Name.php
class BarNon_Test
  // /global_dir/Barnon/Test.php

Beispiel #4 Load namespace class example

class \Foo\Bar\Dummy =>
   // APPLICATION_PATH/library/Foo/Bar/Dummy.php

class \FooBar\Bar\Dummy =>
   // /global_dir/FooBar/Bar/Dummy.php

You may noticed that all the folder with the first letter capitalized, you can make them lowercase by set yaf.lowcase_path = On in php.ini

Yaf_Loader is also designed to load the MVC classes, and the rule is:

Beispiel #5 MVC class loading example

Controller Classes =>
// APPLICATION_PATH/controllers/

Model Classes =>

Plugin Classes =>
Yaf identify a class's suffix(this is by default, you can also change to the prefix by change the configure yaf.name_suffix) to decide whether it is a MVC class:

Beispiel #6 MVC class distinctions

Controller Classes =>
    // ***Controller

Model Classes =>
    // ***Model

Plugin Classes =>
    // ***Plugin
some examples:

Beispiel #7 MVC loading example

class IndexController
    // APPLICATION_PATH/controllers/Index.php

class DataModel =>
   // APPLICATION_PATH/models/Data.php

class DummyPlugin =>
  // APPLICATION_PATH/plugins/Dummy.php

class A_B_TestModel =>
  // APPLICATION_PATH/models/A/B/Test.php


As of 2.1.18, Yaf supports Controllers autoloading for user script side, (which means the autoloading triggered by user php script, eg: access a controller static property in Bootstrap or Plugins), but autoloader only try to locate controller class script under the default module folder, which is "APPLICATION_PATH/controllers/".

also, the directory will be affected by yaf.lowcase_path.


class Yaf_Loader {
/* Eigenschaften */
protected $_local_ns;
protected $_library;
protected $_global_library;
static $_instance;
/* Methoden */
private __construct()
public autoload(): void
public clearLocalNamespace(): void
public static getInstance(): void
public getLibraryPath(bool $is_global = false): Yaf_Loader
public getLocalNamespace(): void
public getNamespacePath(string $namespaces): string
public getNamespaces(): array
public static import(): void
public isLocalName(): void
public registerLocalNamespace(mixed $prefix): void
public registerNamespace(string|array $namespaces, string $path = ?): bool
public setLibraryPath(string $directory, bool $is_global = false): Yaf_Loader




By default, this value is . "/library", you can change this either in the application.ini(application.library) or call to Yaf_Loader::setLibraryPath()




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