The SVM class

(PECL svm >= 0.1.0)



class SVM {
/* Constants */
const int C_SVC = 0;
const int NU_SVC = 1;
const int ONE_CLASS = 2;
const int EPSILON_SVR = 3;
const int NU_SVR = 4;
const int KERNEL_LINEAR = 0;
const int KERNEL_POLY = 1;
const int KERNEL_RBF = 2;
const int KERNEL_SIGMOID = 3;
const int OPT_TYPE = 101;
const int OPT_KERNEL_TYPE = 102;
const int OPT_DEGREE = 103;
const int OPT_SHRINKING = 104;
const int OPT_PROPABILITY = 105;
const int OPT_GAMMA = 201;
const int OPT_NU = 202;
const int OPT_EPS = 203;
const int OPT_P = 204;
const int OPT_COEF_ZERO = 205;
const int OPT_C = 206;
const int OPT_CACHE_SIZE = 207;
/* Methods */
public __construct()
public svm::crossvalidate(array $problem, int $number_of_folds): float
public getOptions(): array
public setOptions(array $params): bool
public svm::train(array $problem, array $weights = ?): SVMModel

Vordefinierte Konstanten

SVM Constants


The basic C_SVC SVM type. The default, and a good starting point


The NU_SVC type uses a different, more flexible, error weighting


One class SVM type. Train just on a single class, using outliers as negative examples


A SVM type for regression (predicting a value rather than just a class)


A NU style SVM regression type


A very simple kernel, can work well on large document classification problems


A polynomial kernel


The common Gaussian RBD kernel. Handles non-linear problems well and is a good default for classification


A kernel based on the sigmoid function. Using this makes the SVM very similar to a two layer sigmoid based neural network


A precomputed kernel - currently unsupported.


The options key for the SVM type


The options key for the kernel type



Training parameter, boolean, for whether to use the shrinking heuristics


Training parameter, boolean, for whether to collect and use probability estimates


Algorithm parameter for Poly, RBF and Sigmoid kernel types.


The option key for the nu parameter, only used in the NU_ SVM types


The option key for the Epsilon parameter, used in epsilon regression


Training parameter used by Episilon SVR regression


Algorithm parameter for poly and sigmoid kernels


The option for the cost parameter that controls tradeoff between errors and generality - effectively the penalty for misclassifying training examples.


Memory cache size, in MB


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