Calendar Functions

Table of Contents

  • cal_days_in_month — Return the number of days in a month for a given year and calendar
  • cal_from_jd — Converts from Julian Day Count to a supported calendar
  • cal_info — Returns information about a particular calendar
  • cal_to_jd — Converts from a supported calendar to Julian Day Count
  • easter_date — Get Unix timestamp for midnight on Easter of a given year
  • easter_days — Get number of days after March 21 on which Easter falls for a given year
  • frenchtojd — Converts a date from the French Republican Calendar to a Julian Day Count
  • gregoriantojd — Converts a Gregorian date to Julian Day Count
  • jddayofweek — Returns the day of the week
  • jdmonthname — Returns a month name
  • jdtofrench — Converts a Julian Day Count to the French Republican Calendar
  • jdtogregorian — Converts Julian Day Count to Gregorian date
  • jdtojewish — Converts a Julian day count to a Jewish calendar date
  • jdtojulian — Converts a Julian Day Count to a Julian Calendar Date
  • jdtounix — Convert Julian Day to Unix timestamp
  • jewishtojd — Converts a date in the Jewish Calendar to Julian Day Count
  • juliantojd — Converts a Julian Calendar date to Julian Day Count
  • unixtojd — Convert Unix timestamp to Julian Day

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