Decision support: Root server or managed server?

Which advantages the managed servers and the root servers offer, you will find out in the following article!

This hard decision has had to be made by many people who want to rent a server. Of course, any project planning must take into account which technology will be used. Can the user take care of the server himself or will he be relieved of this effort?

What is a Managed Server?

The name already indicates that a managed server is a web server that is maintained by competent system administrators of the respective provider. The qualified personnel takes over the maintenance, the care and also the administration. The user does not have to worry about the technology anymore and can fully concentrate on the creative part.

The managed server can be compared to a hosting package. However, the rented server is available to the user alone. This, of course, has a positive effect on the performance of the server.

What is a root server?

The root server provides the user with complete access to the entire system. Access is via SSH for Linux and via Remote Desktop for Windows. The user is responsible for the entire system and must take care of the technology. The provider is only responsible for the hardware or for the replacement of defective hardware. The customer takes care of installations, updates, configuration changes and the creation of domains as well as their administration.

If the user has the necessary knowledge, there will be no problems. Those who do not know enough will fail very quickly with a root server. The most important factor is security, because the server must be burglar-proof. The customer is responsible for any problem and can be taken to court if necessary. As a layman, you should definitely not rent a root server, but rather take a managed server.

The advantages and disadvantages of a root and a managed server

Advantages of Managed Servers:

  • no previous knowledge is required to operate the managed server
  • the customer receives a powerful server of his own, the computing power is not shared with other users
  • all important settings are made by an experienced administrator
  • in case of emergency, a recovery can be implemented promptly and flexibly

The disadvantages of a managed server:

  • for professionals there is almost no flexibility
  • in case of an emergency the support is needed in any case
  • the customer is bound to the provider and has to comply with it

The advantages of root servers:

  • the computing power is not shared with other customers
  • the root server provides full control without the need for additional software
  • access is either via remote desktop or SSH
  • own troubleshooting is possible at any time
  • in case of problems the response time of the provider is no longer important

The disadvantages of the root server:

  • definitely a lot of expertise is needed
  • who will take care of the server if the customer is on vacation?
  • any security is the responsibility of the user and he can be prosecuted

The conclusion on the choice of server

Both server variants have advantages and disadvantages. Customers who have the necessary expertise are definitely better off with a root server. Those who don't have the knowledge and time are better off with a managed server. On the other hand, managed servers do not allow for individual software solutions and the customer is dependent on support in case of problems. A comprehensive overview of root server and managed server offers can be found at or, for example.

With a root server, the customer has all the freedom he needs thanks to expertise in Linux or Windows. The software can therefore be installed individually. It is best for the customer to make the decision based on the available budget, expertise and time available for maintenance.


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