Facebook fan page - wave of warnings due to imprint errors
How to make your Facebook Fanpage reasonably safe from warning lawyers. 5 minutes that are well invested and can possibly save a lot of money.
2012-08-20 00:00:00 2022-12-13 00:00:00 admin
Recently, there have been more and more reports about warnings from various law firms. Facebook fan pages that have no or an insufficient imprint on their fan page are warned. The costs, which can arise from a warning, are quickly times at about 1500 EUR!
The background to this is a ruling by the Aschaffenburg Regional Court on August 19, 2011, according to which Facebook fan pages must be equipped with an imprint.
Essential features of a sufficient imprint are
- Quickly and permanently recognizable
- Quickly accessible
- Clear
Our own php-resource.de fanpage, we have tried to provide legally compliant with an imprint.
Attorney Thomas Schwenke, has published a detailed text on the subject at http://allfacebook.de/policy/abmahnwelle-wegen-impressumsfehlern-sichern-sie-ihre-fanseite-in-5-min/#attachment_24463. In it, he describes how you can protect yourself from warnings.
5 minutes that can pay off!
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